Four Tips for Foaling Season
Foaling season is an exciting time for horse breeders and private horse owners alike. While many horse owners are still in cold-weather mode during early spring, keeping water buckets from freezingand battling mud, equine breeders are getting ready for foaling season.
For new breeders, knowing what to expect and how to prepare this foaling season makes the entire process less daunting.
If you are a new breeder or horse owner looking to breed, here are the top four tips Arenus Animal Health recommends for a successful foaling season.
- Be Prepared with a Foaling Kit – Having the right supplies on hand when your newborn foal arrives is essential. A few necessities we recommend: scissors, clean towels, a stainless-steel bucket, liquid soap like Dawn or Ivory, umbilical clamps, tinctures of iodine, and twine. You may also want to include disposable gloves, disposable bandages, flashlights, batteries and a reliable phone with your vet or an experienced foaling person's contact information.
- Have a Designated Area to Foal – Small spaces are helpful when your mare is foaling. It is easier to watch your mare foal and keep track of her in a designated indoor space. Make sure your space is clean, well-lit, stocked with hay and disinfected, if possible. If you opt for a small, outdoor space, make sure it is also clean and free of mud. Your new foal's immune system is not yet developed and prone to infection, so a clean and dry space is crucial for its health.
- Give Your Mare and Foal Space – Once your foal arrives, care for your mare and foal is not too much different than care for your other horses. Give your mare and foal a quiet, clean and dry space to rest and nurse. Your foal may be ready for turnout in as little as 24 hours if he or she is born healthy and without orthopedic issues.
- Support Your Mare & Foal's Health - You will want to schedule a veterinarian appointment soon after the birth for both mare and foal, to make sure they are in good health. Your vet may administer an IgG test to see if your foal received enough colostrum, the immunoglobulin rich milk that gives your foal its first immune defense.
Will your foal become an equine athlete or performance horse? Consider supporting your foal's structural system with Arenus Animal Health's Steadfast Equine Growth formula, designed to create a strong foundation of healthy bones and soft tissue suited for the rigors of athletic performance.
Our unique formula uses TêlaFIRM, Sodium Zeolite A and ascorbic acid to promote the formation of healthy bone and soft tissue in horse.
Eq-Well is another great option for every horse in your barn. Our newest vitamin-mineral balancer is specifically designed for horses of all ages and all performance levels. It contains copper, manganese, and zinc from TêlaFIRM-S which are double chelated, making them extremely bio-available and allowing your horse to receive maximum benefit from these minerals.
Our equine nutritionist, Brady Karren, is available to answer questions about your mare and foal's nutrition, and help you navigate our premium nutraceutical options. Contact him for a free consultation.
We hope that these tips have helped you prepare your mare to bring her new foal into the world. Enjoy foaling season and be sure to share your favorite foal photos with Arenus Animal Health for a chance to be featured on our #FoalFriday posts this spring.