Does Your Dog Have Arthritis?
Canine Arthritis is a painful and progressive joint disease common in older dogs. In some cases, it can affect younger dogs especially those with genetic predisposition to the disease.
Dogs with arthritis will experience many painful symptoms like soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain. Just like humans, arthritic dogs may feel worse: in cold, damp weather, in the morning or after naps.
Do you suspect your older (or younger) dog has arthritis? Here are some signs to look out for, and a few things that can help slow the progression of this painful condition.
Top Signs of Canine Arthritis:
- Limping – Limping is the most common signs of joint discomfort. Your dog may prefer putting weight on a less arthritic leg or may start to limp on walks but 'warm up" as the walk continues.
- Difficulty Moving – Your dog may be reluctant to get moving with arthritis. Keep an eye out and see if he or she is hesitant to do normal activities like: jumping in the car, walking up the stairs or jumping on other elevated areas.
- Tiredness – Is your pet lazing around more than usual? He or she may tire more easily after walks or exercise with arthritis.
- Muscle Atrophy – If you pet has difficulty moving, he or she may be less likely to exercise. Over time, your dog may experience muscle loss or atrophy.
- Licking or Chewing – Dogs with arthritis may chew, bite or lick areas of discomfort. This can cause more inflammation, irritation and pain over time.
- Irritability - Some pets may bite, snap or be irritable if handled or moved in a way that causes them more pain.
What Can Pet Parents Do About Arthritis?
Unfortunately, arthritis is a progressive disease and has no cure. That said, there is plenty you can do to help your dog's quality of life. To start, nutritional therapies are an excellent option. Our Steadfast Canine Joint Supplement contains the most bio-available source of joint care nutrition – glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid and collagen. These well-researched joint care nutrients work together to provide the best orthopedic support for your dog.
Steadfast Canine is clinically proven to improve joint conditions in as little as seven to ten days and may help slow the progression of arthritic conditions. This powerhouse supplement not only addresses the pain and inflammation associated with arthritic conditions but provides strong, total structural support for bone and soft tissues as well.
Would you like to speak with our on-staff Nutritionist? Sign-up here to book a free consultation to learn if Steadfast Canine is right for your dog.
Build Up Strength with Physical Therapy
Another great option is physical therapy, which may include specific exercises to strengthen and build up atrophied muscle. Physical therapy can help other muscles compensate for arthritic joints. It is also a great way to get your unwilling pooch to exercise regularly.
Many pet rehab clinics include other methods along with exercises, such as: joint injections, massage, and acupuncture. Arenus offers a selection of wearable ceramic and magnetic therapy products. While they are designed for humans and horses, your dog may benefit as well!
Check out the Benefab by Sore No-More Throw Blanket and look for our Benefab by Sore No-More Therapeutic Crate Mat coming this Spring 2018.
Your vet clinic may also suggest topical pain relief and/or wearable therapies to relieve pain and boost your dog's mobility.
Flower Essences to Soothe Life Changes
Finally, as with any life change, arthritis can cause your beloved pet some emotional turmoil. The life changes associated with less outdoor activity and decreased mobility can be difficult for some pets. For these pets, flower essences that treat emotional symptoms can be useful. We recommend the following Botanical Animal Flower Essences: Life's Changes, Mellow Out and Ego Builder, which are great options to calm and soothe your dog.
While Canine Arthritis can be debilitating for many dogs, your dog doesn't have to suffer. There are many options available today to help relieve symptoms and curb the progression of the condition. Senior dogs with joint ailments can still enjoy running and playing into their golden years with the help of many of these treatments.